Thursday, May 31, 2012

How To Transfer Data From An Old Computer To A New One

A simple and easy way to transfer your data...

There are two ways that should help users copy data from pc to pc.

Here are the solutions:

Use the built-in Windows file transfer wizard

The correct method of transferring programs and files using the built in Windows transfer wizard:

This is an easy to understand step by step way to get started with moving all your data from pc to pc. When users are using the Windows transfer wizard option you will have to check to ensure both computers have the Win OS installed on them. This tool will assist you to copy the separate kinds of data such as pictures, email, user account info on to any other pc that needs to be set up. This method will only work with the same Windows OS version. Verify to make sure each are the same.

The Simple Way:

This is the fast suggested way. Just follow this path. Go to Start All Programs - Accessories- System Tools- File and then Settings transfer wizard. You will find an easy prompt to follow. A set up menu will walk you right through the prompts on your other pc that you'll be migrating stored information from. Now move on the next step.

You can click the Next button to find out the next step that should be done. You can choose from one of the three options that are on screen. They are: network, cable transfer, USB flash drive or external hard disk. All these options will work well for you. Select the one you need to use for your own file and data transfer procedure.

When you decide on the options shown then move on to the next item. Select the choice that says this is your old computer and select transfer files and settings from that location. Then, power up the new pc where you need to load the programs and files from your old pc. Click the Easy Transfer Wizard on the pc. It is the same process as before for the other computer. The only difference is you have to select "I don't need the wizard disk. I have already collected my files and setting from my old computer". This is the only major difference you'll be concerned with.

With the final step, on the first computer, search for the location where the information is saved to. copy them to the new pc with any transfer cable. Double check to ensure all the data you will need have been transferred.

You can now use your new computer in a normal fashion.

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